Texas Lawbook has published a guest article by Marc Gravely highlighting the unique working relationship among lawyers who practice on both sides of the bar in insurance litigation. In “Steeped in Conflict, Insurance Bar Works Together to Navigate Evolving Legal Landscape,” Gravely describes the spirit of collaboration among attendees of the recent American College of Coverage Counsel annual Insurance Law Symposium in Dallas.
He writes: The insurance industry has a long and storied history, and disagreements over coverages have been a close companion from the very beginning. It’s easy to appreciate why. Even the most complicated disputes over property damage and monetary losses eventually boil down to the framing and interpretation of language in coverage policies.
Historical coverage conflicts aside, the law, legislation, business practices and public policy are continually evolving with the way we live and work. These disputes frequently push the envelope of the legal system, regularly reaching state supreme courts and the U.S. Supreme Court. The ACCC, the “College” as it is known – an invitation-only group of lawyers who are specialists in their fields – plays a key role in educating and fostering constructive communication within this practice area.
Click here to read the full article.